James and John were anything but humble in the account recorded in the Gospel Of Mark, 10:35-45. The Sons of Thunder wanted to have places of importance with Jesus in his glory.
Father Michael asked us how we would respond if Jesus asked us, as he did those two apostles, “What do wish me to do for you?” He also asked who is the most humble person you know, & what did they teach you?
When have you found it most difficult to heed Jesus’ words “It shall not be so with you?” Following Christ isn’t always the easiest road, and we frequently do things for others without credit or reward. In this world, this is seen as weakness, but with Christ, “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.”
Father Michael asked us how we would respond if Jesus asked us, as he did those two apostles, “What do wish me to do for you?” He also asked who is the most humble person you know, & what did they teach you?
When have you found it most difficult to heed Jesus’ words “It shall not be so with you?” Following Christ isn’t always the easiest road, and we frequently do things for others without credit or reward. In this world, this is seen as weakness, but with Christ, “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.”